Supporting English Language Learners' Experiences in the Classroom

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Bailey Flynn, Class of 2020

Interviews with TCU Students About their Research

I was interested in studying English Language Learners (ELL) and how they are supported.Thus, I looked into how each level (US, Texas, Fort Worth, and McLean 6th Grade Center) supports these students. The support given to English Language Learners at McLean 6th Grade Center is extended time, dictionaries, audio options, differentiated texts, reading aloud, before school help, during lunch help, and after school help. The teachers track English Language Learners’ progress separately and adjust accommodations each six weeks to make sure each student's needs are being met. Based on these supports, I developed a survey that was sent to my students at McLean 6th grade, asking for their opinions on the support they were receiving. This survey would have originally been given in class, but due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the survey took place online. This limited my number of responses. I sent the survey to all 170 students and 51 responded. I then drew conclusions from my research and the survey on the effectiveness of supports offered.


Comments from Mentors

I have had the privilege of serving as Bailey's Supervisor for Field Experience in Education ( 3 Semesters ) and Clinical (Student) Teaching (1 Semester).She was dedicated to do the best job possible. In working with Bailey I saw that she possessed a desire to see her students grow and to be successful. She is willing to develop a "Teacher Tool Box" filled with multiply strategies that will help her to best help her students. Bailey will be a a most valuable teacher for her students and school. I appreciate her dedication to her course work during this very challenging school year. She embodied our mantra, "Go Frogs! Lead On!"

Mr. Dick Allie

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College of Education